In response to the Ministry of Education's Higher Education Department's virtual teaching and research office construction and the "Mooc Westward 2.0 Plan", to further deepen the cooperation and exchange in professional and curriculum construction between western universities, and to promote the deep integration of information technology with education and teaching, Chongqing Jiaotong University and Xinjiang Institute of Technology, after multiple consultations and communications, have implemented a "same classroom" approach for teachers and students of both universities to attend the same class. The course "Python Programming and Application," taught by Professor Zhang Tingping, utilizes the "Smart Tree Platform" and "Synchronous Classroom Network" to achieve this joint educational experience.
Before the start of the synchronized course, the two universities jointly held a brief launch ceremony. He Xiaobing, Deputy Director of the Office of Academic Affairs at Chongqing Jiaotong University, and Chen Zijiao, Deputy Director of the Office of Academic Affairs at Xinjiang Institute of Technology, represented their respective universities and spoke at the event. Both expressed that this should be an opportunity to strengthen cooperation and exchange between the two schools in terms of professional construction, curriculum development, and classroom teaching reform. The launch ceremony was presided over by Li Yicai, the Associate Dean in charge of teaching at the School of Information.

After the brief launch ceremony, Professor Zhang Tingping, the head of the national first-class course and the Data Science and Big Data Technology program at the School of Information, Chongqing Jiaotong University, delivered a lecture on functions in the course "Python Programming and Application." Professor Zhang introduced the course using a student information management system design project, which the students were all familiar with. She elaborated on the modular programming design concept, the definition and application of functions, and then students were divided into groups to discuss and complete the design of the student information management system. During the discussion, Professor Zhang guided the students from both universities and facilitated cross-school communication. Finally, some groups presented their design results, and the course was a complete success.